Weddings are a special time of joy and promise for bride and groom, their families and friends, and for the entire parish community. In view of the religious significance and commitment being made, there are Diocesan Guidelines which must be included in your wedding preparation. Couples wishing to be married at Christ the King Parish are asked to contact Kathy Planchet at the parish office, or 603.224.2328, at least 6 months prior to their wedding.
Why are you interested in receiving the sacraments? What are sacraments anyway?
1. The sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. (CCC 1131) Saint Augustine described the sacraments as an “outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible grace.”
2. In short, the word sacrament comes from the Latin word sacramentum. A sacramentum was a sacred oath of allegiance taken by a Roman soldier. Just as the soldier’s oath signified the beginning of a new life, the sacraments (especially Baptism and the Eucharist,) give us new life in Christ.
3. Sacraments are not starting or stopping points or boxes to check on our journey of faith. They are tangible gifts from an intangible world that help to nourish, strengthen and renew our lifelong relationship with Christ.